Our Approach:


Together we will gently dig beneath the surface of pain and distress, and work towards a deep wholeness and healing. Our experiences in life are embodied; meaning life is experienced through our minds, bodies, and souls. We work to find the roots of pain and distress, and then provide help and healing to the parts of our lives that need care.


Ted Lasso put our mantra best, "Be curious, not judgmental." When we discover parts of life that are not working, we curiously explore those areas. From there, we can bring help and healing to root causes of pain and distress.


We help clients find relief through therapy and wholistic treatment plans. Everyone is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. Instead, we work to create a treatment plan that cares for all of who you are by treating physical causes, leveraging advanced psychotherapy techniques, and considering medication.

We do this through an Internal Family Systems therapy lens, assessing, diagnosing, and caring for mental health concerns. Sometimes this means prescribing medication, and other times it means working together in psychotherapy to find the roots of pain.


Humans are made for connection. Connection with ourselves, other people, and our spirituality. When connection breaks down, we can feel less grounded and find ourselves more susceptible to life challenges. We help clients develop flourishing connections to their deepest and truest selves, and also help clients navigate their relationships with others - including spirituality and faith.